Betekenis van:
sense of smell

sense of smell
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • vermogen om te ruiken; vermogen om te ruiken
  • the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents





  1. I have a good sense of smell.
  2. Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
  3. Tom lost his sense of smell.
  4. A dog has an acute sense of smell.
  5. This dog has a keen sense of smell.
  6. A dog has a sharp sense of smell.
  7. I can't smell well. I have lost my sense of smell.
  8. Flies have a keen sense of smell for decaying matter.
  9. A dog's sense of smell is much keener than a human's.
  10. The loss of his sense of smell was due to a head injury.
  11. Our eyes, our ears, our sense of smell, our taste create as many truths as there are men on earth.
  12. Their sense of smell and hearing are highly developed, and rats are particularly sensitive to ultrasound.
  13. ‘Aroma’ is the characteristic as perceived by the nose and sense of smell.
  14. As mice, particularly albino strains, have poor sight they rely heavily on their sense of smell and create patterns of urine markings in their environment.
  15. significant functional changes in the central or peripheral nervous systems or other organ systems, including signs of central nervous system depression and effects on special senses (e.g. sight, hearing and sense of smell);